Origin Story

In ancient times, Latte Stones were painstakingly hand-carved as pillars or columns that held up structures to help protect against storms and rain, floods and high winds. It was engineered to protect homes and families from rodents and unwanted predators. In the present, it has been a symbol of pride, strength, resiliency and longevity. Still, to this very day, ancient Latte Stones are evident and ever present around the Marianas Islands which is testament to the spirit and soul of Latte Built, our families, communities and people.

Latte Built Fitness started its humble but proud existence as a small boot camp in the park. Its founder, Coach Derek, had a passion to help others achieve their desired health and fitness goals. Latte Built has developed throughout the years, growing and improving. Presently, it humbly boasts a world class fitness facility and recovery spa with a number of personal trainers and class instructors, not to mention, a flourishing and growing band of loyal members.

The Latte Stone is the inspiration behind Latte Built. Indeed, it is the inspiration behind everything. The transformation from a park boot camp to what it is today, the personal and physical transformations of our clients both emulate the transformation of the raw state into the finished Latte Stone. It is hard work. However, well worth all the effort.

Our motto is “Be An Inspiration.” Much like the Latte Stone being our driving force behind the formation and cultivation of our gym as well as our personal and physical goals, we must strive to be that same inspiration to others. Be that person who is dedicated, self-disciplined, and has a strong character, who has unshakable values, who makes good choices, who takes care of him/herself as well as others so that those who witness these great attributes in you, will be inspired to be the same to others. Be that person that others will strive to be like. Be an inspiration!

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